About Me

Hi I am Arman Pouyaei :wave:,
A results-driven atmospheric scientist with extensive experience and expertise in developing and utilizing new and existing methodologies in multi-scale atmospheric models to study the influence of atmospheric pollutants on the environment.

Programming Skills





R / Matlab


Other Skills

Climate modeling


Air quality modeling


Weather modeling


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University / NOAA GFDL, Princeton

March 2023 — present

(1) Designed and developed a plume injection scheme for biomass burning emissions in GFDL’s CM4 and implemented the scheme into the aerosol module to study the decadal impact of plume injection height from wildfires on coupled climate modeling systems.

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Houston, Houston

August 2022 — February 2023

(1) Introduced a novel approach for investigating aerosol-cloud interaction using data assimilation and spectral bin method for microphysics. Designed the forward operator for NEXRAD radar assimilation. Designed a 3DVAR framework for the application of radar data assimilation.

Graduate Research Assistant, University of Houston, Houston

June 2018 — August 2022

(1) Introduced a novel Lagrangian model, C-TRAIL v1.0, providing an alternative method for simulating atmospheric diffusion through incorporation in an Eulerian air quality model. (2) Developed a physically accurate sub-grid cloud convection module based on a meteorological approach for accurate quantification of vertical and long-range transport in CMAQ air quality modeling. (3) Developed Forward Operator for OMI HCHO/NO2 and implemented them in the WRF-Chem/DART framework, to study wildfire-related ozone formation during the 2019 FIREX-AQ campaign.